기타 계기류 CATU CZ-54-R
페이지 정보
Life saving kit for substation - electrical shock
1) insulated cable cutter 25 kV CZ-60
2) telescopic rescue stick extended lenght 1.5 m M-952160
3) voltage detector with flexible contact antenna and equipped with a metal rescue hook (3 kV - 40 kV) M-952170
4) pair of insulating gloves and talcum powder can M-952120
5) pair of insulating boots MV-135/45
7) insulating platform
8) "First aid for electric shock victims" poster in french on the cabinet door.
CZ-54-55_PIC001.png (350.8K)
5회 다운로드 | DATE : 2023-05-31 15:43:10 -
Data sheetCZ-54.pdf (525.4K)
6회 다운로드 | DATE : 2023-05-31 15:43:10
- 이전글CATU CZ-53-R 23.05.31
- 다음글IR Windows CorDEX 23.03.28